
Karaoke for Michael Learns To Rock - 25 Minutes

Michael Learns To Rock - 25 Minutes (04:20)
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other by the same artist (click icon to import directly)
Michael Learns To Rock - 25 Minutes (04:20)
Michael Learns To Rock - 25 Minutes (04:20)
Michael Learns To Rock - Breaking My Heart (04:03)
Michael Learns To Rock - Breaking My Heart (04:03)
Michael Learns To Rock - Dont have to lose (03:41)
Michael Learns To Rock - Final destination (03:21)
michael learns to rock - I dont want forget (04:08)
Michael Learns to Rock - Love Will Never Lie (03:35)
Michael Learns To Rock - Minutes (04:20)
Michael Learns To Rock - Minutes (04:21)
Michael Learns To Rock - Out Of The Blue (03:52)
Michael Learns To Rock - Paint My Love (03:49)
Michael Learns To Rock - Sleeping child (03:34)
michael learns to rock - Someday (04:06)
Michael Learns To Rock - Take Me To Your Heart (03:58)
Michael Learns to Rock - Thats Why (04:10)
Michael Learns to Rock - Thats Why (04:10)
Michael Learns To Rock - Thats Why You Go Away (04:10)
Michael Learns To Rock - The Actor (04:34)
Michael Learns To Rock - You Took My Heart Away (04:33)

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